IF you have to take PVS Impressions follow this guide
Rigid disposable trays are best to use as they don't flex
Aluminium trays flex and are not suitable
Metal reinforced trays warp
Metal trays are good to use however can be expensive
Bending open of a ductile tray while using high viscosity impresssion material
When the tray is removed the tray flexes back and caused a very hard to see distorted impression
1. Scoop heavy body impression material
2. Equal parts A and B
3. Place in hands ready for mixing
4. Mix thoroughly ( wear gloves )
5. Load in tray
6. Place in patients mouth
7. Do not push back or pull down
8. When set remove from patients mouth
9. Syringe in light body material
10. Close-up of light body material
11. Tray ready to take impression
12. Insert in patients mouth
13. Remove when set, impression completed